The objectives of the Science Department are to develop students’ scientific literacy as well as to provide a sound foundation of knowledge and skills for those students who pursue the study of science in college. Course designs and instructional methodologies are aimed at increasing students’ awareness of science as a process of discovery as well as a body of knowledge about the natural world.



meet the department

Jessica Landseadel Science Department Chair ✉︎ jlandseadel@millerschool.org ☏ 434-823-4805

Jessica Landseadel
Science Department Chair

Michael Scullin
Physics & Engineering

Zac Culbertson
Sustainable Agriculture

Christine ZitoScience Department & Engineering Program ✉︎ czito@millerschool.org ☏ 434-823-4805

Christine Zito

Science Department & Engineering Program

Cara Macdonald Human Anatomy & Physiology  ✉︎ cmacdonald@millerschool.org ☏ 434-823-4805

Cara Macdonald
Human Anatomy & Physiology

Rich Magee
