The Wonder Years


Lily Pallante and her father before softball game at MSA.

Lily Pallante might know more about Miller School than any other member of the Class of ‘25. She moved to campus with her parents when she was one year old and has grown up exploring Old Main, hanging out with girls in Wayland Hall, fishing in Alumni Lake, riding her 4-wheeler in the meadows, and, maybe most importantly, testing her athleticism on the baseball field. 

Since she can remember, Lily has been following her dad Tom Pallante to baseball practices and countless other Miller School athletic events. During the summer of 2020, Lily decided to give softball a try and found quick success. That summer, she helped her father restore MSA’s lower softball field and was one of the founders of a new girls softball team. 

With her dad as her coach, Lily has led the Mavericks on the field for three seasons and earned All-Central Player of the Year honors in 2024 and VISAA All-State 1st team in 2023 and 2024. Heading into her senior year, Lily has committed to play Division 1 softball for Virginia Tech.

We sat down with Lily to learn more about her life on the Hill and her journey as an athlete and student. 

When did you decide that you wanted to play college softball? 

My dad coached baseball at Miller since 2008, so I pretty much grew up on the field. Coach Wagner let his youngest son Kason and I run around the outfield, shag BP, and play wiffle ball every day.  I played baseball until I was about 12, and picked up a softball for the first time in the summer of 2020. After my first practice with a small team out of Orange County Virginia, I fell in love with the sport. I knew then that I wanted to play in college.

Were you aiming to play Division 1? 

My travel coach Jesse Lohr has held me to a high standard since the first day I met him.  He coaches me to be the best person I can be on and off the field, and implements a strong sense of drive and confidence into my mindset every time I step onto the field.  I was aiming to play Division 1 softball since the day he told me he knew it was possible. I remember that conversation so vividly.

What has Miller School's program taught you about being an athlete? 

One of the special things about Miller is that we really embody the Minds, Hands, Hearts motto.  Being a part of Miller’s program has encouraged me to work hard in all aspects of my life; academics, athletics, and character development.  Our community allows for athletes to be individuals outside of the teams you play on, and to be true to who you are and what path you want to take in life.  Developing strong, disciplined habits in mind and body over the last 4 years has enabled me to recognize the path I wanted to take, and supported me to move in that direction with confidence.  

When did VT first express interest in you? 

I connected with Virginia Tech softball through social media in spring of 2023, and that’s when I started consistently sharing highlight videos and updates with the coaches via Twitter. I attended a small camp in August 2023 where I got to experience what the program felt like, and be around some of the current players and coaches. I got to hit in my first home run derby that day. That weekend was pivotal.  On September 1st, Division 1 recruitment opened and I had my first phone call with Coach Mike.  I received my offer in November, and soon after committed to playing for their team.

What do you like most about VT's softball program? Academic program? 

Everything. The coaching staff, the players, the way they run the program.   My first impression of the team dynamic was amazing; they meshed together perfectly and everyone was having fun.  You know immediately that they are all serious athletes, and that is what I want to be part of during college softball experience. I felt comfortable with the coaching staff since the first time we spoke, and respect the way their program is run. Their values and approach align with mine.  After spending a day with them in January 2024, I knew without a doubt Virginia Tech is where I want to spend my college life. As far as the academics go, I am drawn to Virginia Tech’s Agricultural program, but am taking the time to look at other majors and course lists as well.

What position will you be playing at VT? 

Not sure. I’m currently a shortstop. I will likely be listed as a Utility player, with the flexibility to play any position Coach Pete needs and sees fit.

What do you feel are your best attributes as a player and athlete? 

My composure and attitude are two attributes I pride myself on as an athlete.  The game of softball is 90% mental, so having a disciplined mindset is really important.  I believe that energy carries on to your teammates, so I try to lead by example.  Body language, hustle, and effort are parts of the game I am always aware of, and intentional about. I think I have good instincts and IQ for the game.  

What are your goals for the MSA team this year and next year?

One goal that I have for the Miller softball team next year is to foster a positive team environment where everyone has fun.  I want to appreciate my last year of having my dad as my coach and make it just as enjoyable for him as he does for us.

What are your goals for your college career?

My goal for my collegiate career is to become the best version of myself that I can, both in day to day life, and as a teammate.  I will be focused on academic and athletic success, and I look forward to spending my future in such a beautiful environment, surrounded by awesome people.  The softball community seems like a  family. I  look forward to traveling the country to play the sport I love and earning a degree from a competitive university that will set me up for success and employment.

I am thankful to my parents and little brother for their love and support.  I am grateful for the coaches who have pushed me and believed in me, and for the teammates who have inspired me, and spent countless hours at fields and in dugouts laughing and cheering and sweating and freezing through the wins and the losses.  They are a big part of what I love about the game.  I look forward to playing for many years to come, and to joining the VT team.