Senior-Alumni Lunch


Senior class with the 2024 plaque

Seniors enjoyed one of MSA’s best traditions—the Senior-Alumni Lunch. Alumni joined advisory groups for a fried chicken and waffle meal in the bistro. In addition to engaging conversations and delicious comfort food, students were treated to sage advice from Ben Skipper (class of ‘99). He shared valuable life lessons about the importance of slowing down and using the next four years to explore and discover instead of rushing toward a specialized trade or career.

The afternoon concluded with the presentation of the senior plaque, which will be mounted on Old Main alongside plaques from graduating classes dating back to the 19th century.

Additionally, Ben Skipper welcomed new life members into the Alumni Association. These students will see their names on the Alumni Association Life Members wall in Old Main. The afternoon was a celebration of life on the Hill and the bright future ahead for our class of 2024.

Peter Hufnagel