Festive Sweater Tradition
Every year, from December 1st until the holiday break, Mrs. Burke wears festive holiday sweaters to celebrate the season and to create a festive atmosphere on the Hill. Truth be told, she has more holiday sweaters than she can wear in a single month. This year, Ms. Francis thought it would be great to spread the tradition around a bit. She created the “sweater draw.” Faculty were invited to participate and a few students asked to join in the fun as well. Ten names were drawn at random, and each day one of the winners celebrates the sweaters of December with Mrs. Burke. On their assigned, the winners wear a fun, festive sweater with Mrs. Burke.
She even provides sweaters for those who need them. Each sweater winner is photographed with Mrs. Burke. Monday, December 16th will be a holiday sweater dress down day, where students and faculty can wear their festive best or dress as their favorite holiday character.