The Miller School Drama Department is dedicated to the growth of young performers, technicians, and stage crew members. The department includes two seasons of afternoon (during athletic time) season as well as a full-year academic course. This provides students the opportunity to explore drama in a single season or dive fully into the performing arts by participating in all three productions. Putting on three productions per year (two dramatic, one musical), the program allows students to be involved in every aspect of stage production. Students act, sing, dance, design costumes, design make-up, build sets, assist in lighting design and audio production, and have fun! Students experience the fruits of their labor on opening night when the audience is transported to a world that they have created!
Optional Drama Course: Open to students in grades 8 - 12. Drama engages the individual who is interested in growing her/his knowledge of theater history and literature, learning techniques and skills unique to theatrical production, and developing as a performer and/or a technician. A year-long offering, the first semester will involve the study of theater theory, dramatic literature, and an introduction to improvisation and theater games. The second semester will focus on applying student knowledge and experience from the first semester to create a full-length production in the spring.