NICA Mountain Bike Race on Campus


NICA race on campus

Miller School hosted the first race of the National Interscholastic Cycling League (NICA) season. Over 1,500 racers, spectators, and coaches attended the event to cheer on middle school and high school racers. Campus was transformed into a world class race venue, and the student-built trails provided the perfect course for racers.

2024 marks the tenth anniversary of NICA racing in Virginia. The VA NICA League was founded in 2014 and has grown from 90 student-athletes to over 500 over the past decade. Miller School has been instrumental in the creation and growth of the Virginia League. The school hosted the inaugural event, and has supported its growth over the past decade.

Miller School had a great showing at Race 1. The team won the overall team category and numerous individual events.

Campus, Featured, CyclingVirginia