On the Ball


Austin Ball leads by example in the classroom and on the court.

Story written by Morgan Harrison, Student-Contributor for The Bell Tower Magazine

Anyone who has played a sport has likely had a coach yell the familiar idiom “keep an eye on the ball” from the sidelines. Hearing this, an athlete instinctively knows that it means more than to look at the ball. The coach is encouraging a player to remain fully focused on the game in spite of any setbacks or hardships the athlete is facing. More generally, the term “on the ball” is used to describe someone who is alert to new ideas and has the intelligence and competence to seize opportunities. 

Austin Ball embodies this familiar idiom on and off the basketball court. 

Austin grew up in Man, West Virginia—a small town located along the Guyandotte River. With a population of just under 800 people, residents of Man know their neighbors and encourage one another to succeed. Here, in the rolling hills of Man, Austin fell in love with basketball–a sport that has provided him opportunities beyond the charms and comforts of his hometown. 

Learning to seize these opportunities was difficult at first for Austin. However, he came to a realization his sophomore year of high school. In order to reach his full potential, Austin boldly decided to leave his beloved hometown and attend the Miller School of Albemarle. Austin remarked: “I made that step my junior year. I knew that I had to be here for a better coach, to play better competition, and witness this unique environment.” 

Although leaving the tight-knit community of Man, WV was a big step for Austin, he quickly gained an appreciation for everything that Miller School had to offer him. At MSA, Austin found a new and energetic support system. Whether it was in the boys dormitory or traveling on the road with the team for basketball tournaments, Austin always has had someone in his corner. Thinking about life on the Hill, Austin commented: “The Miller community is its own fan base. The energy, the conversations, the environment– it's all unique. I’m having fun every day. Whether it’s in the classroom or on the court, everyone is behind you with smiles.” 

The Miller community is its own fan base. The energy, the conversations, the environment– it’s all unique. I’m having fun every day. Whether it’s in the classroom or on the court, everyone is behind you with smiles.
— Austin Ball

At the beginning of his senior year, Austin once again had to look for opportunities beyond a community he has grown to love. Austin remarked: “Finding a college that matches Miller School’s commitment to excellence in the classroom and on the court was my goal.” Austin had to search for a college that gave him the same energy, education, and opportunities that MSA has afforded him. Fortunately, his dedication and perseverance on the court and in the classroom at MSA caught the attention of a university that is a perfect fit for him. Austin received an offer this winter to play at George Mason University in Fairfax,Virginia. Austin commented enthusiastically: “From the classes to the basketball court, MSA has pushed me to my limits. George Mason does the same for its student-athletes and has a phenomenal support system and fanbase.” 

From the classes to the basketball court, MSA has pushed me to my limits.
— Austin Ball

Austin is equally excited about athletics and academics at GMU. “Basketball is something I’ll always love. But, I’m interested in business too, and I’m really excited to explore that option at George Mason.” 

While Austin is graduating from Miller School this year, we know that he will remain “on the ball” and seize new opportunities at George Mason and beyond. He is now not only the hometown hero of  Man, West Virginia, but also an admired student-athlete of his second home–Miller School of Albemarle. MSA will forever keep its eye on Austin Ball.

Athletics, FeaturedVirginia