A Fall to Remember


Fall 2023 Award Winners

Fall at the Miller School of Albemarle is a captivating season. The Blue Ridge Mountains come alive with a breathtaking display of colors, painting our campus in a vibrant tapestry of orange, yellow, and red. Each day brings a sense of wonder. While the natural beauty of the season is remarkable, the achievements of our students in fall athletics, engineering, and drama are equally inspiring.

From the student-led production of the musical Legally Blonde to an engineering feat that surpassed expectations with an ahead-of-schedule concrete canoe, our students displayed excellence while pursuing their passions.

Out on the soccer pitch, the boys soccer team has had a resurgence that promises to bring the Mavericks back into VIC competition. Meanwhile, on the volleyball court, the Lady Mavericks delivered one of their best seasons, securing third place in the BRAC.

In the woods, MSA's disc golf team hosted a successful interscholastic tournament on the picturesque Creekside Course and brought home a National Championship in an amateur women's competition.

Our endurance team maintained its tradition of excellence, clinching the National Interscholastic Cycling Association Virginia season title, numerous podium finishes, and a victory at the Regional Championships.

In cross-country, MSA's new home course provided a challenging backdrop for runners from across the region, offering some of the most spectacular views in the state. During the VISAA State Championships the team earned two All-State Performances—an achievement not seen since MSA's 2017 season. This marked the resurgence of a highly competitive cross-country team on the Hill.

On the court, a strong girls tennis team delivered the best results as a team and in doubles and singles events in MSA’s history.

On Wednesday, November 16, the Miller School of Albemarle celebrated the achievements of its fall athletic teams, drama program, and engineering initiatives. Coaches paid tribute to outstanding accomplishments and recognized individuals who exhibited leadership and teamwork throughout the season.

JV Volleyball

Most Valuable Player- Parker Braxton

Most Improved- Landon Carter

Coach's Award- Fiona Corbett

Varsity Volleyball

Most Valuable Player- Kalli Monohan

Most Improved- Lily Pallante

Coach's Award- Ainsley Knighton

Varsity Cross Country

Most Valuable Player: Dietrich Larson and Reut Shahar

Most Improved: Asher Henson and Katie Kelley

Coach's Award: Jackson Skipper and Lillian Amos

Disc Golf

Coach's Award- Peyton Skipper 

Coach's Award- Felix Colle 

Boys Soccer

Most Valuable Player - David Covington

Most Improved- Luis Sanabria-Macias

Coach's Award- Evan Rinkevich

Varsity Girls Tennis

Most Valuable Player - Selihom Mahray 

Most Improved - Rowan Duncan and Casey Klau

Coach's Award - Clover Weisgerber

Varsity Endurance

MVP - Alice Hoskins

Most Improved - Chandler Evans

Coach's - Clark LaVoie 

JV Endurance

MVP - Owen Winn

Most Improved - Chengzhang "Grace" Guo

Coach's - Richard Crisler


The Six Companies Consortium Award- same award for all 3

- Xinyuan "Alex" Zhou

- Cary Worrall-Chen

- Finley Harrison 


Most Valuable: Kira Miller and Jax Cairns

Coach's  Award: Mia Martin and Violet Chruma

Newcomer Award: Theo Buchanan and Isla Sederberg 

Athletics, Featured, CampusVirginia