All the Hill's a Stage


William Shakespeare celebrates extraordinary individuals. His heroes are emblems of what humans can accomplish when one is not bound by conventions that most people accept. Over the past two weeks, MSA students have followed the lead of Shakespeare’s heroes. Every student on the Hill has courageously memorized and performed a monologue as part of the school-wide Shakespeare festival.


On Tuesday afternoon, fifteen students took to the stage and competed in the first round of the ESU Shakespeare Monologue competition. From Juliet’s “O Romeo, Romeo” to Coriolanus’ “You common cry of curs,” students recited some of Shakespeare’s best-known monologues. Cole Larsen’s riveting performance won the day. He will represent MSA at the regional ESU Shakespeare Monologue competition at the Blackfriars Playhouse in Staunton.

In As You Like It, Jacques famously states that “All human beings are merely actors.” The ESU Shakespeare Monologue competition allows all MSA students to be actors for a few weeks in January—and that is extraordinary.

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