Spirit Week

customImageStudents and faculty fill Alumni Gym for Student-Faculty Volleyball Game. photos: Sam Roach


Students and faculty fill Alumni Gym for Student-Faculty Volleyball Game. photos: Sam Roach

Led by the Student Government Association, MSA’s first Spirit Week of the 2019-20 school year highliged students’ creativity and dynamism. Taking place over five days, Spirit Week included themed dress-up days ranging from Culture Day to Twin Day. Students and teachers alike assembled thoughtful outfits that filled the halls with laughter.


The week culminated in a Pep Rally held in Alumni Gym. Per tradition, students dressed in Black-Out clothing to cheer on their teachers and peers in a faculty-student volleyball game.


Members of the Girls Volleyball team served as officials for the game. As always, competition was fierce between teams. Following the fun-filled game, the JV and Varsity Girls teams played real matches with an enthusiastic crowd of Mavericks in the stands.


Spirit Week is one of many student-initiated and student-run programs that have a hand in shaping the culture of the school.
