AP Exam Mavericks
It's time to buzz the tower! Mavericks fly to new heights on 2018 AP Exams.
Each spring, students around the country hunker down for two weeks to take AP Exams, which are designed to measure students' proficiency in a variety of academic subjects. This year, the Miller School of Albemarle Mavericks posted impressive results across the board. Over 134 exams were taken in May, and students scored well above the national average.
"This past spring’s performance on AP Exams is a compliment to our teachers' diligence, but even more it is the result of the discipline and talent of the students who prepared for and performed on the various exams," commented Dave Riddick, AP US History.
“This past spring’s performance on AP Exams is a compliment to our teachers’ diligence, but even more it is the result of the discipline and talent of the students who prepared for and performed on the various exams. ”
This year, 134 exams were taken (the most in MSA history!)
MSA's average score was 3.1, up from 2.7 in 2017 and 2.4 in 2016
MSA's average score was higher than the national average of 2.8 (in the corresponding subjects)
a 3 or higher was scored on two-thirds of the exams taken (up from just over half last year)
a 5 was scored on 21 exams (up from 12 last year)
there were 12 exams scoring a 1 (down from 20 last year, and down from 33 in 2016)
There is a lot to celebrate in these numbers, and not just the obviously-great high scores:
There were strong scores coming proportionately from Humanities and Science/Math.
Scores of 5 were earned in 8 different subjects, representing 4 of the 5 departments that offer AP courses.
Statistically, AP Physics is the hardest exam on which to score a 5, as only 5% of test-takers nationwide manage to do so. Mr. Henry had two students post a 5!
Ms. Landseadel and Mr. Gartner had courses in which 100% of their students earned a 3, 4, or 5.
For the third year in a row, a tenth-grader scored a 5 on the AP Euro exam in Mr. Fickley's course.
Mr. Gartner had 13 students score a 5!